
"THINK" THINK - Weight Loss and Your Mind!

You've heard it said, "YOU are what YOU eat," right? I think we all have. But I was reminded of something very important today from a very wise and influential person, Brendon Burchard. He showed me "You are what you think." And how to think, THIN! But what he said flies in the face of movies like "The Secret." Why? Well, here's why...

...without the information he shares you can actually get the wrong idea altogether and think that you can just think the right things in a vacuum. But, here's the truth: you can't. I won't re-create here what he shares on his video, but let me take and apply what he is saying in a way that will will allow you to succeed in losing weight, burning fat, and experiencing wellness and health at an entirely new level.

So, let's create a scenario that may or may not be true for you, but has happened to me in some way. Let's say you have decided to lose weight and get in shape or burn more fat and get your health in order and you write all that down and set goals and get your "intention" right, as those guru's tell you to. You even think about it in the morning first thing. Maybe you even pray about it and write a note on your mirror. As for as the self-help goes, you're doing pretty good right?

Well, here's the problem, "intention" without talking about how you get there and where you go from there is like telling someone with a car to get England from America without a ship or airplane or bridge. You can imagine being there all you want and imagine what it will feel like and the stories you'll tell, but that doesn't get you there, does it?

In short, you need to control the some things before and after you set your intention in order to arrive at the "island" of the new you, to lose weight and burn fat and have the health you want. Let me explain.

Before intention comes the process of identifying what you are receiving around you--in your conscious mind. And comes after you have interpreted that information. In other words, first you have the data that you come into contact with, then you examine it as good or bad, then you take and determine whether it applies to you and then and only then do you set your intention. Are you with me?

Our intentions are only as good as the data we expose ourselves to, how well we filter it, and how well we apply it to our lives. That way we can determine whether or not going to England in a car from the US is really a good or bad idea!

In terms of losing weight, achieving optimal wellness or getting your health back on track, this would mean that you need to make sure you are surrounding yourself with good quality information about losing weight and applying it to your life...and THEN setting the right intention. Simply put, the best intention for weight loss and burning fat will not come by watching TV all day where everybody talks about being fat as being OK. At some point that will shape your ability to decide between good and bad and eventually shape your intentions. Make sense?

This is what I like about the Diet Solution Program. It creates an environment of success and positions you to lose weight, burn fat, and enjoy great health and wellness!

For now, that's it, but check in next time to apply the rest of the process so that you can build the "bridge" from where you are now to where you want to be--from flab to fab!