
Review of The Diet Solution Program

DO NOT read this IF...
  • You do not want to learn about the #1 fat loss principle missed in (almost)ALL Programs
  • You are not seriously considering purchasing this program.
  • You are not seriously considering purchasing any fat loss or weight loss solution.
  • You are looking for a 'quick-fix' or 'pill' or 'powder' that will do all the work for you.
  • You don't like to cook and are seeking a program that provides you prepared food.
  • You are not teachable.
  • You are not willing to make some permanent lifestyle changes.
  • You are looking strictly for an exercise program.


  • You are seriously considering STARTING THIS PROGRAM
  • You will be starting some program or hiring someone to help you.
  • You are ready to do whatever it takes to have the body you want—or need!
  • You have tried many “solutions” that left you worse off then before.
  • You are looking to keep the WEIGHT OFF FOREVER
  • You are teachable and willing to learn the truth about getting and keeping fit
  • You want to look great this summer!
  • You're embarrassed that you can't play with your kids or grandkids because you're out of shape
  • You're worried your spouse is check out other more attractive options and you want to be the only one they look at?
  • The Doctor told you that something better change if you want to be around for a while


In this personal, to-the-point Review of the Diet Solution, I will disclose some key aspects of the program that are hidden by other reviews** AND answer the concerns and questions that most people have before they start—the good and the not-so-good. Grab a notepad to jot down any questions you may have that I don't address so you can send them to me to answer and lets get started!

First, THE GOOD:
  1. In my personal Review of the Diet Solution (after buying it myself) I found that it is one of the most honest, 'earthy' (“Real”) programs. It is professionally put together, but Isabel is not so polished that she's fake. She's really someone you can get along with and learn from. This is really huge for me. I hate phony, salesey stuff and people. I spent hours and hours trying to find a program that I could feel good about giving to my customers and friends.
  2. Isabel provides many good recipes and helpful hints to make the changes easier.
  3. She speaks from a 'real-world' point of view! Not just theory, but what she herself does.
  4. She doesn't require you to do some crazy gym schedule, but focuses on good lifestyle overall.
  5. Something that is essential is that her program includes support with the mental/emotional component of making this successful! I can't tell you how VIP that is.
  6. This is HUGE-- It is all natural and based on solid science.
  7. Finally, SHE OFFERS A SOLUTION TO THE #1 REASON PEOPLE FAIL TO LOSE WEIGHT—SUPPORT! Be watching for her special offer after you purchase. You get a ONE-TIME chance to work with her and this will be huge for you!

Then, THE BAD (yes, some things are, well, not-so-good in my Review of the Diet Solution)
  1. Isabel's Program is not a quick fix to lose 50 pounds in the first 4 weeks! You may not even get the 10% loss in the first few weeks like she claims. BUT, this the ONLY*** way to lose weight SAFELY and PERMANENTLY so she's not too far off.
  2. After you purchase the product, she does offer you some other bonuses. For some people, these could be too pushy. Can I share my thoughts though? I actually found her offers to be 1) genuine and 2) valuable. Either way, you decide and she actually makes you feel welcome either way (unlike some programs).
  3. If you do everything exactly like she says and buy organic it can be expensive. So use good judgment there. That part is really up to you and isn't going to make or break the diet.
  4. Like I warned in the beginning, this is not a 'we'll-send-you-the-meals' program. You still need to cook and cooking takes time. Hopefully you realize that real food is what will help you get in shape though, not pre-packaged food!
  5. The Diet Solution Program doesn't spent much time on exercises compared to the programs. Although she does have a support option that she offers, my #1 choice for support from the exercise point of view is FAST TRACK TO FAT LOSS. They give you TONS of one-to-one coaching on exercise. You can get a person trainer that calls, emails, texts with you ON CALL. Honestly, that's the option I chose with them. They call it Trainer 911! The best part is that they give you 10 FULL DAYS FREE to try it out. My wife and I love it because its a TINY fraction of the cost of a personal trainer at $30-$100/session and you get on-call support.  Just click on "Fast Track to Fat Loss for your FREE Registration.  (my favorite Trainer is Kris)
  6. This program COMPLETELY IGNORES ONE OF THE BIGGEST FACTORS IN HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS. What I mean is that there are certain organs that need to be cleansed in order for your weight loss to be as fast and safe as possible. She doesn't even touch on but neither do the other programs. And if you have stubborn fat or lots of it, then drop me a note and I'll share with you ONE OF THE BIGGEST FACTORS IN WEIGHT LOSS THAT THE INDUSTRY IGNORES.

FINAL “Juicy Details”

As for what you get, she makes that clear. And she give you a lot, but not too much. There are some programs out there that literally bury you with info that just overwhelms you, but not The Diet Solution Program.

Keep in mind that the books on the website are just pictures, OK? What you get is a file that you can download and print. Some people forget this. If you want the hard copies, she makes them available to you as a separate option. And those again, don't look like the pictures, but the content is all the same!

I guess that the last thing that I would confide to you as I write this Review of the Diet Solution Program is that you need to keep in mind that is it all boils down to YOU! If you answered “yes” to the second set of questions above then you WILL succeed. I haven't written this review along with many others to try and make money off whatever people choose. I wrote this because I wanted something to give to my customers and friends and family and have down-to-earth review to send them to rather than talk on the phone or send the same emails out talking about it!!

That's really it! Can I make a suggestion? Since you do want to change your life by changing your have nothing to lose—except inches and FAT! Go for it! I can promise you this, in my Review of the Diet Solution I confirmed personally that you have 60 Days risk free to use and make sure the program is for you!And you know what's even better?  Her return rate is SO small compared to most programs!  You know what that means, right?  IT WORKS!


So, before another excuse or distraction comes along, just GET STARTED by clicking on these words: The Diet Solution Program Main Site.

Remember, you don't have to let another season go by with all the weight and frustration and feelings you have about yourself, right? Why WISH you could look and feel great when this program WILL help you look and feel great!

In fact, if you send me a confirmation of your enrollment, I'll send you ONE OF THE BIGGEST FACTORS IN WEIGHT LOSS THAT THE INDUSTRY IGNORES. Just enter your email in the "Follow By Email Section" and I'll send you a personal email back:)  But do it now because it won't be FREE for more than a few weeks.  We are making it into its own Step-by-Step Guide and once that's complete, I won't be able to offer it for free.

Thanks to The Diet Solution Program...

...Here's to a better looking season than you've had in a long time!


**Based on the dozens of leading reviews of I read before writing this.
*** “Only” meaning using natural, real food.